Sarah Kreienbühl
President SMG (2027)
lic.phil.I, Member of the Executive Board, Kühne+Nagel International AG, Schindellegi
Thomas Amstutz
Dr. oec HSG, CEO, Feldschlösschen Getränke AG, Rheinfelden

Dorothee Auwärter
lic. iur., attorney-at-law, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, Kuhn Rikon AG, Rikon
Andy Böckli
dipl. Ingenieur FH, CEO, NÜSSLI Group, Hüttwilen

Helene Budliger Artieda
MBA, State Secretary, director of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Bern
Monika Bütler
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc., Independent Economist, Honorary Professor HSG, St. Gallen

Marco Gadola
lic. rer. pol., Chairman of the Board of Directors, DKSH Holding AG, Zurich
Felix Graf
Dr. sc. nat. ETH, CEO NZZ, Zürich

Karen Jane Huebscher
Dr. sc. nat. ETH, Chairwoman Audit Committee, Tecan Group AG, Männedorf
Kamila Markram
Dr. sc. nat. EPFL, CEO and co-founder, Frontiers, Lausanne

Monika Rühl
lic. phil., Chairwoman of the Executive Board, economiesuisse, Zurich
Urs Ryffel
dipl. Ing. ETH, CEO, HUBER+SUHNER, Pfäffikon

Nora Teuwsen
lic. iur., Chairwoman of the Executive Board, ABB Switzerland, Baden
Christian Wohlgensinger
lic.oec. HSG, Partner, Egon Zehnder, Zurich