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Autonomous Systems Lab ETH Zürich

Autonomous Systems Lab ETH Zürich

04. Jul 2025 13:30

The Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), headed by Prof. Roland Siegwart, was founded in 1996 at EPFL Lausanne and has been part of the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS) at ETH Zurich since 2006.

The ASL aims to develop robots and intelligent systems that are able to act autonomously in complex and diverse environments. The main interest is in the mechatronic design and control of systems that autonomously adapt to different situations and cope with our uncertain and dynamic daily environment. The ASL is fascinated by novel robotic concepts that are best suited to operate on the ground, in the air and in water. In addition, the aim is to give them the intelligence to move autonomously in difficult environments. This includes novel methods and tools for perception, abstraction, mapping and path planning.

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