Innovation: Success through collaboration between research and industry
Innovation: Success through collaboration between research and industry
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Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is a research institute for natural and engineering sciences,
conducting cutting-edge research in the fields of future technologies, energy and climate, health innovation and fundamentals of nature. By performing fundamental and applied research, they work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI develops, constructs and operates complex large research facilities. Every year more than 2500 guest scientists from Switzerland and around the world visits them. Just like PSI’s own researchers, they use their unique facilities to carry out experiments that are not possible anywhere else. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore about one quarter of their staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether PSI employs 2200 people, thus being the largest research institute in Switzerland.
Park Innovaare
As one of six innovation parks of the umbrella organization "Switzerland Innovation", the Innovaare Park right next to the PSI promotes the exchange between science and industry. Local companies benefit from the flourishing innovation ecosystem, extensive collaboration opportunities and state-of-the-art office and laboratory space, which are optimally geared to specific R&D requirements, as well as access to first-class research infrastructure. Park Innovaare thus creates an ideal location for innovation.
1.30pm | Participants arrive at Park Innovaare in Villigen for the Best Practice Meeting together with PSI |
2.00pm | Welcome by Thomas Amstutz, Member of the SMG Board of Directors Speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Rüegg, Director of the Paul Scherrer Institute: «Basic research, technology development and innovation at PSI» Presentation by Robert Rudolph, CEO, Park Innovaare: «Innovation hubs: linking competencies accelerates innovation» Presentation by Dr. Marco Ranocchiari, Head of Energy System Integration Platform, PSI: "From the lab to the sky: Technology launch pads for sustainable aviation fuels" Questions and answers |
3.20pm | Break |
3.30pm | Tour of Park Innovaare and PSI: visit to the research infrastructures (Swiss Light Source and Center for Proton Therapy) |
4.50pm | Summary and outlook by Thomas Amstutz PSI / Park Innovaare and SMG invite you to an aperitif. |
6.30pm | End of the event |
Center for Proton Therapy (ZPT)
At PSI's Center for Proton Therapy, cancer patients suffering from certain tumors are treated using the spot scanning technique. This technique was developed at PSI and is a world leader in proton therapy. Cancerous tumors inside the body are irradiated with extreme precision and the surrounding healthy tissue is optimally protected. This is particularly important for tumors in the brain, near nerves or other sensitive areas of the body. Children and young people benefit particularly from this type of treatment.
Synchrotron Light Source Switzerland (SLS)
At the SLS, researchers from PSI and from all over the world conduct cutting-edge research. They use synchrotron light - an extremely intense form of light - to investigate the properties of new materials, decipher the structure of proteins for new drugs or analyze catalytic processes, for example. This synchrotron light is generated by electrons moving at almost the speed of light on a circular path with a circumference of 288 meters, emitting light while being held in their path by strong magnets. In order to remain a world leader in the future, this large-scale research facility, which is unique in Switzerland, is currently being upgraded.

Park Innovaare
Parkstrasse 1
5234 Villigen
Schweizerische Management Gesellschaft
Zeltweg 48, 8032 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 202 23 25
Arrival by public transport
Use the bus stop "Park Innovaare". From Brugg AG (Zurich-Basel/Bern route) take the bus (line 376 Brugg-PSI-Böttstein- Döttingen). From Siggenthal/Würenlingen railroad station, take the bus (line 357 Park Innovaare).
Arrival by car
From Zurich via Baden, from Bern via Brugg.
Park Innovaare has a paid parking garage (on the right immediately after the entrance to the site). Please note: The barrier can only be opened by presenting a credit card.