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Fenaco cooperative

Fenaco cooperative

30. Apr 2025 12:45

Registration open

Fenaco is an agricultural co-operative with 150 years of experience. It is owned by 145 LANDI and its 41,000 members, including over 23,000 active Swiss farmers. As a supplier, fenaco offers farmers a wide range of products, services and technologies across all production methods that are required for sustainable, efficient and market-orientated agriculture. As a marketing partner, it ensures that valuable Swiss food reaches customers - from fruit, vegetables, potatoes and cereals to eggs, meat and beverages. Among fenaco's best-known brands are the animal feed manufacturer UFA, the fertiliser trader LANDOR, the drinks manufacturer RAMSEIER Suisse, the Provins winery, the meat processor Ernst Sutter, the retailers Volg and LANDI and the energy provider AGROLA. The Bern-based fenaco cooperative employs more than 11,000 people and generated net sales of CHF 7.54 billion in 2023.

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"Reliable values and innovative technologies"

12.45Participants arrive for the Best Practice Meeting at the fenaco cooperative in Lyssach

Welcome by Monika Rühl, Member of the SMG Board, Chairwoman of the Executive Board, economiesuisse

Welcome and presentation of the fenaco cooperative by Martin Keller, Chairman of the Executive Board until 30 June 2025

Presentation by Michael Feitknecht, Chairman of the Executive Board from 1 July 2025: ‘Future areas of development for the fenaco cooperative’

- Agricultural technology: Serco/Sevra
- Member LANDI: LANDI shop, TopShop, role sharing between LANDI + fenaco 
- Plant cultivation: AGROLINE, Agrarpiloten (drones), ThermoSem systems (seeds) 
- AGROLA Energy: Microgrid, SLS, PowerUp with Post

Presentation by Christian Consoni, Head of the Food Industry Division: 
‘The future of the food industry’

Presentation by Philipp Zgraggen, Head of the Retail Division: 
‘The importance of clear positioning in the retail trade’

Presentation by Margrit Weber, Head of fenaco competent:
‘More women in fenaco management - step by step to success thanks to en avant’

17.30Summary and outlook by Monika Rühl and Michael Feitknecht fenaco cooperative invites you to an aperitif riche
18.45End of the event
Martin Keller
Chairman of the Executive Board, fenaco cooperative until 30 June 2025
Martin Keller has been Chairman of the Executive Board of the fenaco cooperative since 2012. He will hand over his position to his successor in mid-2025. Before Martin Keller joined fenaco in 2010 as Head of the Land Products Department (now Inoverde), he worked for eight years in various management positions for the international seed company KWS, based in Einbeck (Germany). Prior to that, he headed the industry organisation Swisspatat and worked for Saatzucht Düdingen. Martin Keller studied agronomy at the ETH Zurich, where he obtained his doctorate in 1998. He is a member of the Mittelland Regional Economic Advisory Board of the Swiss National Bank and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Securitas Group since 2024.
Michael Feitknecht
Chairman of the Executive Board, fenaco cooperative from 1 July 2025
Michael Feitknecht will become Chairman of the Executive Board of the fenaco cooperative as of 1 July 2025. He has worked for the company since 2018. He initially headed the fenaco Crop Protection Division. In 2020, he became Head of the Crop Production Department and a member of fenaco's Extended Executive Board. Before joining the agricultural cooperative, Michael Feitknecht worked for Syngenta for ten years in various management positions in Switzerland, Spain and South and Central America. Michael Feitknecht grew up on a farm in Ticino. He studied agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich and graduated with a Master of Science degree.
Christian Consoni
Head of Food Industry Division, fenaco cooperative
Christian Consoni has been a member of the Executive Board and Head of the Food Industry Division of the fenaco cooperative since 2019. The division comprises the Beverages, Meat, Convenience and Fresh/Food Safety departments. Christian Consoni joined the company 20 years ago as Head of Marketing and Sales at frigemo. In 2011, he became Chairman of the Executive Board of RAMSEIER Suisse in the Beverages department, which he took over five years later. Before joining fenaco, Christian Consoni held various management positions in leading Swiss food companies, including Unilever and Hilcona. Christian Consoni holds a degree in business administration from the University of St. Gallen.
Philipp Zgraggen
Head of Retail Division, fenaco cooperative
Philipp Zgraggen has worked for the fenaco cooperative since 2018. After joining the Volg Group as Head of Corporate Development, he took over as Head of the Volg Stores/Filling Station Shops department in 2019, for which he is still responsible. Since 2021, he has been Head of the Retail Division and a member of the company's Executive Board. Philipp Zgraggen is one of the most influential leaders in the Swiss retail sector. Before joining fenaco, he worked for Aldi for 13 years in various management positions in Switzerland and abroad. Philipp Zgraggen studied business administration at the University of St. Gallen.
Margrit Weber
Head of fenaco competent, fenaco cooperative
Margrit Weber heads the competence centre for leadership and organisational development at fenaco. She joined the company in 2006 and has built up this area, which has a lasting impact on fenaco's management culture and network organisation, from the ground up. From 2003 to 2006, Margrit Weber was part of the personnel and organisational development team at T-Systems Switzerland. Prior to that, she was a partner and co-owner of Assessment Art and worked as an assessor for managers. Margrit Weber has a Bachelor's degree in Work and Organisational Psychology from the ZHAW. She studied organisational psychology at the Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet in Trondheim (Norway) and continued her education in business administration.
Monika Rühl
Member of the SMG Board, Chairwoman of the Executive Board, economiesuisse
Monika Rühl has been Chair of the Executive Board of economiesuisse since 1 September 2014. After studying Romance languages and literature (French and Italian) at the University of Zurich, Monika Rühl trained as a diplomat in Bern, Brussels and Geneva. After working in the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, she was a personal assistant to Federal Councillor Joseph Deiss (2002 in the FDFA, 2003-2006 in the Federal Department of Economic Affairs FDEA) and then Head of the Bilateral Economic Relations Division at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO with the title of Ambassador and as a member of the Executive Board. In 2008, she was appointed Delegate of the Federal Council for Trade Agreements. From 2011-2014, she headed the General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER.
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fenaco Genossenschaft
Schachenstrasse 41
3421 Lyssach

Schweizerische Management Gesellschaft
Zeltweg 48, 8032 Zürich,
Telefon +41 44 202 23 2 

Travelling by public transport:

Travel by train to Burgdorf. Bus 465 in the direction of Fraubrunnen. Get off at the Lyssach, Schachengut stop (after 5 minutes) or take the train to Kirchberg-Alchenflüh. Bus 465 in the direction of Tschamerie. Get off at the bus stop Lyssach, Schachengut (after 2 minutes).

Travelling by car:

Exit 39 - Kirchberg. Follow signs for Kirchberg/Alchenflüh. At the roundabout continue in the direction of Burgdorf. Parking spaces are available in front of the main entrance of LANDI.

How to get there

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Fenaco cooperative

30. Apr 2025 12:45